K12 CyberStorm
Session 1
Session 2
The Maine Department of Education, the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Maine Technology Directors Association are teaming to provide
K12 Cyber Storm, a statewide, live tabletop exercise.
Prep 1: February 13th, 1:00-3:00pm
Prep 2: February 23rd, 9:00-11:00am
Tabletop: March 22nd, 8:00am-12:00pm
Districts can attend any or all of these sessions. We welcome all local schools regardless of size and preparation.
Let’s be ready!
Prep 1: February 13th, 1:00-3:00pm
(DOE) – Welcome and Overview of Cyber Storm
(METDA) – Past # of Incidents / Recovery Times / Impact / Case Study / Real Life Example of Recovery
(FBI) – Ransomware Impact
(CISA) – Cyber Frameworks – What is it and how do you use it?
Prep 2: February 23rd, 9:00-11:00am
DOE – Welcome & Grant Program Overview
CISA + METDA – Overview of an Incident Response Playbook -Key Elements w/ Examples
Q&A for 30 minutes over plan development.
Table Top: March 22nd, 8:00am-12:00pm
DOE – Welcome
DOE + CISA + METDA – Overview of Previous Sessions
DOE + CISA – Intro to Exercise and Expected Outcomes and Breakout – Module 1
Recap of Module 1
Module 2
Recap of Module 2
Panel Discussion (CISA, DOE, METDA)
Open Forum Q&A
Closing Remarks
K12 CyberStorm
Nation States
Tabletop Excercise
Cyber Insured
Inside Threat
Bad Actors
Incident Response Plans
and various tools will be provided.
CEU’s available